March, what a month it has been!
We have been very busy this month, in the first week we traveled to Chester Zoo (virtually, of course) as we celebrated National Wildlife Day, we enjoyed animal treat biscuits with the virtual tour, our residents loved it! We finished the week of on National Day of Prayer, where all of our residents read their favourite prayers out loud to each other and we even caught a few of them on camera, it was beautiful to watch back.
Week 2 was all about the women in our lives, starting off with International Women’s Day on the Monday, we asked all the ladies why they were proud to be a woman, some of the comments we got were fab, we conclude that you men need to “man up” ha-ha! We finished the week off with a lovely Mother’s Day, Hannah & Carly individually wrapped tulips and presented them with a box of chocolates, they went down a treat.

St Patricks Day, the residents enjoyed a performance from Riverdance the Irish dancing group in the morning followed by an afternoon if Irish music and some tipples, we had Guinness and Baileys served chilled. Friday the 19th we celebrated Red Nose Day, Staff wore red and donated £1 to the charity, Gaynor made lovely Red Nose cakes with cherries, and we have held a RND Bingo special!
23rd March 2021, a year on from the start of the Pandemic, we finally opened our visiting Pod to our lovely families for our first LFD testing visits, where our residents could finally be up close and personal with their loved ones! Marie Currie held a national Day of Reflection, us as a home reflected on the past year with some reflection poems, and with the flower of Marie Currie being the Daffodil, we had bunches of them all around the home, they looked beautiful, we decorated the windows of the home to say, “We’re all in this together”. We released golden balloons in memory of our residents that have passed away. It was such an emotional day for us all.

Moving on, later that week was the Greeks Independence Day, we celebrated by making Greek flags, Greek Gods paintings and, again, Gaynor made a Greek Feast with lots of tasty foods for us to try whilst watching “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, the whole day was enjoyed by all who participated.
Lastly, as we move into April, the last 3 days of March are being filled with lots of Easter crafts, Easter Bonnets, Easter Cards, Easter Wreaths etc..