Last Week’s Activities

Last Week’s Activities

We started the week by having Holy Communion as well as a pamper day on Tuesday, the ladies love getting their nails done!

On Wednesday two of our residents attended Haydock library to their Dementia Cafe where Dorothy renewed her library card and took out two books, whilst Vera enjoyed looking at some picture books. Sharon lead our weekly zumba with extra turnout and some very groovy dance moves on display this week!

Thursday saw us have lots of fun with the amazon Alexa’s, with the care staff making us all laugh singing and dancing to ‘Penny Arcade’ and lots of other fun Irish songs.

Hannah and Carly have started a walking club, this week we walked around local avenues chatting about how much we paid for our first house. Colin won that prize with the bargain-hunter paying only £500 in the 1940s!

On Friday we had a game of bingo in the morning and in the afternoon we sampled various chinese foods to celebrate Chinese New Year.


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